Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy New Year!

And may the magical spell of The Eld be with you throughout 2010!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Playgrounds vs Hunting Grounds.....

We obviously got it backwards....

Would seem logical to assume that an area would be zoned no-hunting BEFORE permits were issued
to allow play areas for our children.....

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Peace Over Eld, Good Will To All

And may you and your families enjoy another beautiful Christmas in the Land of Eld

Sunday, December 6, 2009

To keep our neighborhood safe, healthy and livable, can we ignore....

The shooting?
 (Notice floating duck blind just off point in front of a residence, upclose and personal)

The Litter?
(They came to shoot it up, not clean it up)                                

The noise?
(Decibel reading from gunfire is comparable to an airplane taking off outside your window)                                                                              

Shall we go on?...........
Unfortunately, the time of just kicking back watching the oysters grow is gone. We urge every person to be vigilant and question what their eyes over Eld Inlet witness...Document and photograph harmful activities over and around Eld Inlet; then, notify your County Commissioners, Dept.of  Natural Resources and Dept. of Ecology. Let us help them help us!
It doesn't get any closer to home than this
Even the fallen trees are watching!