And to think our lives have come to this....having to protest, but as the saying goes....
"Government doesn't change things, people do"
Hunters claim that killing wildfowl within our neighborhoods is a right and tradition. Families living within neighborhoods being fired upon, feel victimized and see it differently. To protest hunting effectively, it is necessary to understand the hunters' views as well as our own.
- Understand your motives. If you believe it is wrong, state solid reasons why you believe it is wrong. Safety? Litter? Population? Give examples of "close calls", windows shot out, pellets raining down on your home, accidents, confrontations and threats.
- Photos and videos speak volumes to document the facts and the fear
- Inform yourself. Research the arguments that hunters use.
- Acknowledge why hunters hunt and their perceived benefits before stating your own case.
- Share your view with your neighbors, organize, write letters to your elected officials and newspaper.
- Call 911 when your safety has been compromised. If we don't report, there is no record.
- If an area is baited, post a sign or wave your sign that states "Baited Area"-document with a photo
- Keep anger in check. One of the main charges against people opposed to hunting in their neighborhoods is that they are too emotional. Getting visibly upset will only confirm this assumption. Share your views calmly. (I'm still working on getting this down)
- Research the laws in our state and be prepared.
*Comments following this article illustrate hunters' arguments:
Denver Residents Protest
*These You Tube videos reveal the dangers of hunting:
Denver Residents Protest
*These You Tube videos reveal the dangers of hunting:
*Read Migratory Waterfowl section(scroll down to the Summary of Federal Regulations):
*Discussion of distances:
One hunter's explanation of where does shot go?
"...the safety "fall-out" zone of 300+ yards being the "norm". The effective pattern will have long gone at that distance, and will be merely, a falling shower, albeit still dangerous!
"...the safety "fall-out" zone of 300+ yards being the "norm". The effective pattern will have long gone at that distance, and will be merely, a falling shower, albeit still dangerous!
We cannot tire in our mission to safeguard our homes and families. This is the most important job we have as parents, and as guardians of our neighborhood.