Families living in an American neighborhood should expect:
a) To be blown out of bed early morning by unrelenting rifle fire
b) To be greeted by hunters shooting outside their windows a stones throw away
c) To be acknowledged by duck hunters flashing you "the bird"
d) To pay for shattered windows broken out by mis-directed shells
e) To view hunters walking up on the beach shooting disabled ducks point blank
f) To pick up the litter of empty shell casings left behind, scattered on the beaches
g) To witness dead and crippled ducks left carelessly behind
h) To be held hostage in your own home until the barrage of rifle fire ceases
i) To have your child ask why ducks are falling from the sky
If you answered any of these "False", you may want to contact your County Commissioners to stress the urgent need for a no shooting or controlled shooting zone over and around the waters of Henderson and Eld Inlets.
Stop the madness, stop the shooting