Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Song For You

click it, sing it, to remember it...

Puget Sound's Woven Thread

The earth we abuse and the living things we kill will, in the end, 
take their revenge; for in exploiting their presence
 we are diminishing our future-Marya Mannes

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Scoter Bag Limit Reduced

A huge thank you to SeaDoc Society research and WDFW for helping our wintering guests survive!
Read all about it!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

300' Buffer Zone? Is this a typo error?

A "round table" meeting was conducted by our County Commissioners on August 10th to discuss the no/controlled shooting zone we have all been working hard to put into place.

KOMO news picked up the story and published a recent article of interest: 

 A)  300' is not a safe distance, please read.....
Expert hunter Lou Amey's article Where Does My Shot Go? stating
300 YARDS is the distance hunter's consider safe   
 B)  A buffer zone would be a policing nightmare; how do you measure distance looking out over the water from the shoreline? 

 It basically boils down to this....
What is your vision for your neighborhood? 
Do we envision our area an unsafe outdoor firing range resembling a war zone several months out of the year, a garbage dump with empty cartridges left to float onto the beaches, or a viable neighborhood with sound, safe rules put in place for generations to come?

Please call, email or write our esteemed County Commissioners
 and ask them to please rule in favor of 
a no shooting or a controlled shooting zone.  
Our time is running out and our voices must be heard.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

What is happening to all our beaches?

Does it have anything to do with
what are considered legal activities?
Starfish trapped in net, unable to set it free
If you are concerned with the loss of our birds and native species
you are not alone...

Take a look:

When will we learn?

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Please attend if you can. Express your concerns about 
shooting in your neighborhood or just come to listen
 and support your neighbors.


Thursday, June 17th

Thurston County Courthouse 
Bldg 1, Rm 152
2000 Lakeridge Dr SW, Olympia, WA 98502


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our Wise & Noble Griffin Firefighters Posted It Best


        Thank You!                     

Monday, April 12, 2010

Being right does not always guarantee success...

The Victory lies in being able to convince others you are right

Over the past year we hope we have convinced our elected officials that it is right to:

  • Live in a residential area free from shooting 
  • Not allow the discharge of a gun or rifle within a residential or recreational area
  • Protect, at any cost, time and effort, our families and neighborhood.

We have been told we will learn of the ruling at the end of summer 2010. If we have "convinced others" what we are asking for is right, then we will succeed in a "No Shooting or Controlled Shooting Zone" ruling over and around Eld Inlet and Henderson Inlet. Help us convince our hard working County Commissioners that it is the right thing to do by emailing, calling or writing their office. And thank them for listening to our plea for a safe and civilized place to live.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Answer the following True or False: 
Families living in an American neighborhood should expect:    
a) To be blown out of bed early morning by unrelenting rifle fire     
b) To be greeted by hunters shooting outside their windows a stones throw away
c) To be acknowledged by duck hunters flashing you "the bird"
d) To pay for shattered windows broken out by mis-directed shells
e) To view hunters walking up on the beach shooting disabled ducks point blank
f)  To pick up the litter of empty shell casings left behind, scattered on the beaches 
g) To witness dead and crippled ducks left carelessly behind 
h) To be held hostage in your own home until the barrage of rifle fire ceases
i)  To have your child ask why ducks are falling from the sky

 If you answered any of these "False", you may want to contact your County Commissioners to stress the urgent need for a no shooting or controlled shooting zone over and around the waters of Henderson and Eld Inlets. 
Stop the madness, stop the shooting

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Our neighborhoods have been turned into hunting grounds, our migratory waterfowl has been targeted while attempting to winter on waters in the Great Northwest. As a result, our neighboring families living around Eld and Henderson Inlets are witnessing the destruction of marine life and feeling the loss of personal safety. And to think there is a simple, non-violent solution that each of us can actually enjoy doing!!
"Feed the ducks, bait the area= stop the shooting"
According to our own Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife it is illegal to shoot in a baited there is our answer! Bait the Bay!! (Which we believe is already the case due to the acres and acres of shell fish farms, but this has yet to be acknowledged by our elected officials)

From the folks that brought us much of the advice on how to protest, we are now given the basics on how to feed's a click away:
It's worth a try to save our little piece of heaven from falling to undesirable activity, litter, threats and loss of our waterfowl. And since The National Audubon Society has identified Eld Inlet/Mud Bay as an Important Bird Area., we should do whatever we can to prevent a Bird-less Important Bird Area.

Margaret Mead once said, "Never underestimate the ability of a small group of committed individuals to change the world." ....a colleague of hers added, "Indeed, they are the only ones who ever have."

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Acres of Shellfish Farms Beg The "Baited Area" Question

The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife defines "baited areas" pertaining to agriculture,  but where is the discussion of  "baited areas" pertaining to aquaculture? 
Red Dots=Shellfish Farms=Wintering Migratory Diving Ducks 
It is illegal to hunt waterfowl in baited areas and it should be equally illegal to shoot in the adjacent neighborhoods

Saturday, February 27, 2010


And to think our lives have come to this....having to protest, but as the saying goes....
"Government doesn't change things, people do" 
Hunters claim that killing wildfowl within our neighborhoods is a right and tradition. Families living within neighborhoods being fired upon, feel victimized and see it differently. To protest hunting effectively, it is necessary to understand the hunters' views as well as our own.

  • Understand your motives. If you believe it is wrong, state solid reasons why you believe it is wrong. Safety? Litter? Population? Give examples of "close calls", windows shot out, pellets raining down on your home, accidents, confrontations and threats.
  • Photos and videos speak volumes to document the facts and the fear
  • Inform yourself. Research the arguments that hunters use.
  • Acknowledge why hunters hunt and their perceived benefits before stating your own case.
  • Share your view with your neighbors, organize, write letters to your elected officials and newspaper.
  • Call 911 when your safety has been compromised. If we don't report, there is no record.
  • If an area is baited, post a sign or wave your sign that states "Baited Area"-document with a photo
  • Keep anger in check. One of the main charges against people opposed to hunting in their neighborhoods is that they are too emotional. Getting visibly upset will only confirm this assumption. Share your views calmly. (I'm still working on getting this down)
  • Research the laws in our state and be prepared.

*Comments following this article illustrate hunters' arguments:
Denver Residents Protest                                                                                                                                
*These You Tube videos reveal the dangers of hunting:
*Hunters' opinions about shooting up Eld Inlet:
*Read Migratory Waterfowl section(scroll down to the Summary of Federal Regulations):
Washington Dept of Fish and Wildlife  and                                                                          
United States Wildlife Hunting and Baiting                                                                                      

*Discussion of distances: 
One hunter's explanation of where does shot go?
 "...the safety "fall-out" zone of 300+ yards being the "norm". The effective pattern will have long gone at that distance, and will be merely, a falling shower, albeit still dangerous!  

We cannot tire in our mission to safeguard our homes and families. This is the most important job we have as parents, and as guardians of our neighborhood. 

Friday, February 19, 2010

How To Kill Off Duck Hunting

Couldn't have said it better than this:
Homeowners on Eld Inlet and Henderson Inlet can relate to this article. Many, like me and my family, had no opinion what-so-ever about duck hunting before the shots in the dark rang out. But we do have huge opinions about courtesy, safety, quality of life and litter. 
Rights vs what is Right.....abuse them, you loose them

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Island County Commissioners Ban Duck Hunting

So what does Island County have that Thurston County doesn't have? Read on and decide for yourself:

Our story is the same, and we fail to understand why we have had to wait for over a year for a decision. What more is needed from the families living in the Eld Inlet and Henderson Inlet areas? Is the research and testimony of the past year not enough? We have worked diligently to:  
  • gather 173 signatures(and counting) in favor of a no/controlled shooting  zone
  • present the population growth facts supporting the urgent need for a zone change
  • present shocking testimony of stunned neighbors
  • participate in a community meeting many months ago
  • bring attention to the unlawful shooting in baited shellfish growing areas
  • prove hunting grounds in recreational areas are not compatible
  • provide disgusting evidence of litter and dead waterfowl left behind by hunters                                                               
Please notify your Thurston County Commissioners and encourage them to do the right thing and rule on the side of safety, quality of life and sound environment. When safety is restored we can once again allow our families to enjoy the outdoors(which is why we moved here in the first place). 

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Thurston County Shoreline Master Program draft needs YOUR comments

Thanks to Mark Messinger of the Griffin Neighborhood Association blog we have been notified of an urgent matter needing our attention and input! Thurston County has released a very lengthy draft of their Shoreline Inventory and Characterization Report. Unfortunately, those of us in the Griffin Neighborhood Association didn't get any notification of this. 
 Please Read:

And once doesn't get any closer to home than this

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Is Duck Hunting Dangerous?

What is the difference between drive-by shootings and float-by shootings?

Drive-by shootings involve a car plus gun/rifle fire....Float-by shootings involve a camouflaged boat plus gun/rifle fire.

We have presented the research, facts, and testimony to our County Commissioners to support the need for a no shooting zone or controlled shooting zone for the peninsulas and inlets of Thurston County.

The following videos may drive home the point even further:

Sunday, January 24, 2010

It's the Power of Love!

We are not alone in our quest to press for peace and safety for neighborhoods, environment and wintering sea birds.....

Enjoy the music:

While you read the article:
Rocker Huey Lewis Baits Ducks

Report to Washinton Dept of Fish and Wildlife if you witness duck hunting in a recently harvested shellfish area or near bird or duck feeders.

Oh, one more thing:

The Hunters Code of Conduct: to show respect for wildlife and to be considerate of non-hunters....

      Non hunters would be us, the families who are:  

  • blasted out of bed in the early morning hours by the sound of rapid  fire 
  • forced to witness crippled and dead birds washing up onto the beach in the aftermath of the hunting
  • charged with collecting the litter(spent gunshot shells)knowingly left behind by the hunters
  • greeted by hunters flashing the neighborhood "the bird"(no pun intended)
  • unable to allow their children to play outdoors for fear of being shot
  • forced to stay indoors and listen to buckshot falling down on their home
  • faced with hours, days, months and (going on)years of trying to convince the officials that allowing hunting in neighborhoods is a disaster waiting to happen, as well as an ecological nightmare
Please contact your Thurston County Commissioners  and sign the on-line petition  if you believe it is time for a no shooting/controlled shooting zone in the South Puget Sound land and bays that time forgot.

Many thanks to those of you who have already participated in contacting our County Commissioners and  signed the on-line or paper petition.
                         It doesn't get any closer to home than this                                                                                                            

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mud Bay Extraordinaire

Preserved and protected forever
thanks to the vision and hard work of The Capitol Land Trust!

Mud Bay has a beauty that can be captured at all seasons (if you remember to pack your camera!)
The eagles enjoy the the Mud Bay basin where the salmon run ends and the food is plentiful.

Mud Bay, same eagle, different location with sea gull close by

It doesn't get any better than this, anywhere!

 Pictures/descriptions courtesy of Mary Skelton

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Friends of Henderson Inlet and Eld Inlet have spoken

The message is serious:

Stormy seas up ahead if hunting grounds remain within neighborhoods.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baited area?...don't stop here!

and with each round of fire, the sanctity, safety and peace of a neighborhood also dies.